CDH International Foundation
Work Animals
Medical care and harnesses for camels,
buffaloes, bullocks, bulls, horses, mules
and donkeys.
Work Animals - Project Balaram India
The rig that this camel is hauling is used for carrying chopped
straw from the fields after harvest used for animal feed. When
filled the bag will bulge out about 3-4 feet on each side.
Importance of Work Animals:
Work animals
provide transportation for crops
to market, supplies to the field for cultivation, freight
transportation of goods, which creates additional
income for farmers between crops, plowing and
preparing their fields for cultivation, family
transportation and renewable energy for cooking
For many families, their entire existence
on the health of their animals. If the animal falls ill,
dies or is not able to work it is a great hardship for
the family.
Medical Care for Work Animals:
Free medical care an medicine is provided
for all
work animals including prophylactic vaccines and
When work animals are brought for treatment,
they are too ill or injured to work we keep them with
us for the day and provide their feed, water, medical
care and rest. The owner is loaned a rickshaw so
that he is still able to earn money for that day while
the animal heals. At he end of the day the owner
returns the rickshaw and takes the animal home for
the night and returns again in the morning with the
animal for treatment, rest and food.
Harnesses and Blankets:
Harnesses and blankets are provided to
injury due to ill fitting harnesses and equipment
designed to help the animal get back to
work without
further injury to the healing wound.
Farrier for Bulls,
Bullocks, Horse,
Donkeys and Mules
Our farrier shoes and trims feet for the work
animals. The desert conditions wear the shoes down
in approximately 3-4 weeks, which causes the hoof
to breaking down due to extra nail caused by too
frequent shoeing.
We have had better success with welding
borium on the bottom of the shoes so that they last
longer preventing excess nail holes in the hoof.