CDH International Foundation
Widows & Pilgrims
are provided with medical care, clean water,
blankets, food and help to return home or to
be reunited with relatives if requested.
Project Balaram - India

This widow was left in
Vrindaban many years
ago when she was very
young. She spends her
days caring for the stray
animals who give her
their unconditional love
and affection.
Assistance for Widows and Pilgrims:
- Widows, pilgrims and the dying who are
in Vrindaban are given help according to
- The cost of wood for cremation has become
too expensive for many of the poor, we provide
burial rites according to their individual religion
those left alone to die.
- Many traditionally come to die in this sacred
- They have nothing other than what they get
through begging. When they collect a little
extra money, they ask to borrow our cooking
pots and some cooking fuel. They cook
the poor and distribute a hot meal to those
need. It is very touching to see this
in todays
world, where so many people with so much
more just walk by the dying and suffering.
Many days when they only have a very small
amount of food, you still see them sharing
with the stray animals.