CDH International Foundation

 Wheel Chairs
  Provided for amputees, polio and other
  patients in need. 

 Wheel Chairs - Project Balaram India

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wheelchair sadhu 310x4652 sadhu wheelchair

 Wheelchair Program:

    - Wheel Chairs are manufactured locally from
       bicycle parts in a three wheel design which
       allows them to be used on uneven terrain.

    - Modifications are made according to the patients
      request.  Some patients have requested lock
      boxes, one patient with no legs requested a
      platform for his old blind dog that he has
      given protection to for many years.

    - Many of these patients have been crawling
      on the ground before receiving these
Wheelchair purple Wheelcahir blue3 Wheelhchair BWoman WheelchairWheelchaiar sadhu4 Wheelchair boy 5