CDH International Foundation

 Animal Programs

 Project Balaram - India

HomeVillage ProgramClinicAnimal ProgramHuman ProgramZoonosisEmerging DiseasesVolunteersFood and BlanketsWork CampsTB ClinicAnimal DiseasesHuman DiseasesMalaria ControlResearchAbout UsWheel ChairsWidows & PilgrimsVit.A & AlbendazoleWork AnimalsCultural PreservationNomads & HerdersGalleryContact Us

 This camel works in the brick kiln hauling cooked brick from the kiln to the
trucks.  A quack took a branding iron and burned
his head and neck . The wounds were severely infected.  You can see the wound under the bandage. These owners are poor, love their animals and do their best to get care for them.


Animal Programs include the following:
1. Medical Treatment
2. Medicine
3. Vaccines
4. Anti-parasite treatment
5. Fecal and Blood testing
6. Feed as needed for sick animals
7. Optional Work Program for owners
   of sick and recovering animals
8. New Harness Parts and Blankets
9. Mobile veterinarian team
10. Mobile vet team to immediately
    respond to infectious disease
    outbreaks in villages
11.Treatment and vaccine for pets
12.Birthing assistance
13.Care of Stray animals
14.Work Animals in Brick Kilns
15.Work Animals in Villages
16.Work Animals in towns
17. Work Animals for agriculture
18.Cows in gaushalas
19.All animals of travelling nomads are treated and vaccinated as needed
20. Children's beloved pets