CDH International Foundation

 Malaria Control Program

 Project - Balaram

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This child was 3 years old in this photo and had never walked, due to extreme weakness from chronic malaria.  After treatment the village was astonished to find this child standing and walking.  It was thought that this child would never walk in his lifetime.


Malaria Control:

  • We have not been very successful in controlling malaria with the distribution of treated bed nets. Some of the problems have been.    
       1. Mosquitoes get trapped inside the bed nets
          and they prefer the traditional custom of       
          tucking their bed sheet under their whole    
          body from head to toe to prevent mosquito  
          bites while sleeping.

        2. We find they sew the mosquito nets together 
           and use them to cover their animals.
       3. When we arranged the nets over the windows 
           and doors, it still did not make a noticeable  
           difference, as they are out doing chores at this
           and prefer to burn cow dung during the time
           the mosquitoes are out.

The program that has been much more successful in controlling malaria has been the use monoclonal antibody rapid malaria tests for early identification diagnosis and treatment of the infected patients so that they are not a reservoir and prophylactically treat the rest of the villagers during the malaria season.


Both photos in row 2 were taken during a severe outbreak of malaria. There were many deaths due to Falciparum malaria. 

The first photo in row 3 was of the children and mother who had just lost their father and husband.  As I stood there they only had 3 pieces of flat bread for the family.  The mother was explaining to the children that their father had died and that they must share the tiny bit of food that they had with the dogs, as now the dogs would be there to protect them since their father had died.