CDH International Foundation

 Cultural Preservation


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Tribal dancers in Bastar Chhattisgarh where the ancient traditions are still practiced


Cultural Preservation:

    There are many ancient and diverse cultures in the
    region with rich traditions of  the arts, architecture,
    agriculture, religions, literature, language, music,
    sports and other traditional skills.
    A. Performing arts competitions are held with cash
       prizes for all who perform and  food for all who
    B. We encourage traditional handicrafts and
        purchase these products from the villages to
        ensure it is economically feasible to continue
        to produce these products.

    C. Many of the  "green" products produced in the
       developed countries are only "green" in name
       and cost.  The products produced in the          
       traditional manner are 100% environmentally  

    D. Some of the products still produced but quickly
        disappearing in the region are, pottery,
        traditional paintings, textiles (case blankets),
        zari, silk and cotton embroidery, block printing,
        tools utensils and hardware from raw iron,
        boats, rope, horse, bullock, camel carts, stone
        carving, wood carving, brass sculptures, book
        binding, leaf plates and bowls.